Surviving traveler’s diarrhea on a trip: the remedies that really work to save your holidays


Tourista, also known as traveler’s diarrhea, is a common problem that affects many individuals when they travel abroad. This condition is generally not serious in most cases, but it can disrupt your vacation if you do not take the right precautions. In this article, we will examine why tourista strikes and how to effectively deal with it through simple gestures to adopt while traveling.

Why does tourist’s diarrhea strike?

One of the main causes of traveler’s diarrhea is the consumption of contaminated water and food.

Contaminated Water

The drinking water we consume can carry various infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. When we travel to a country where hygiene standards are different or less strict than at our home, our body is not accustomed to this new microbial flora and therefore becomes more vulnerable to these pathogens. These can then cause various intestinal ailments including diarrhea.

Contaminated Food

Poorly washed food, insufficiently cooked or stored under bad conditions can also be carriers of germs responsible for traveler’s diarrhea. For example, raw fruits and vegetables may contain bacteria or parasites when washed with non-potable water, hence the importance of cleaning these foods well before consumption.

Prevention of travelers’ diarrhea: simple habits to adopt while traveling

In order to prevent, effectively manage traveler’s diarrhea and limit its impact on your stay, here are some practical tips that you can follow:

Pay attention to drinking water

  • Avoid consuming tap water in countries where health standards are uncertain. Prefer sealed mineral water bottles, marketed by recognized brands, which you can buy locally.
  • If you do not have access to bottled water, consider treating tap water with purification tablets specifically designed to eliminate infectious agents present in the water.
  • Don’t forget that even ice cubes can carry germs if the water used to make them is contaminated.

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Eat cautiously

  • Choose your dining locations wisely based on the hygiene of the establishments and avoid street food as much as possible, whose origin and preparation are sometimes difficult to determine.
  • Avoid consuming unpeeled raw fruits and vegetables, as they may contain bacteria or parasites due to being washed with non-potable water. If you eat local produce, opt for those you can peel yourself and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.
  • Consume well-cooked meat and fish to limit the risks of contamination by germs present in the food itself or on utensils, cutting boards and other surfaces that have been in contact with these raw foods.

Maintain good hygiene

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and clean water, especially after going to the bathroom, changing a baby’s diaper, before preparing or eating food. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer is also recommended when you do not have access to water and soap.

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Effectively treat traveler’s diarrhea when it occurs

Despite all the precautions taken, it may happen that you are faced with traveler’s diarrhea during your trip. Here are some tips to limit the symptoms and quickly restore your intestinal comfort:

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Properly Rehydrate

Diarrhea, by causing a loss of water and minerals, can quickly lead to dehydration if these losses are not compensated. To counteract this, drink regularly in small amounts clean water or rehydration solutions available in pharmacies.

Adapting your diet

For a few days after the onset of intestinal disorders, adopt a more moderate diet, low in fiber and fat, favoring foods such as white rice, bananas, unsweetened cereals, etc.

Using the right medication

In some cases, taking an anti-diarrhea medication may be indicated to reduce the frequency and intensity of stools, but it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking it to avoid any contraindications or dangerous drug interactions.

Although traveler’s diarrhea can occur on a trip abroad, it is still possible to limit its impact by adopting simple prevention measures and acting quickly when the first symptoms appear. Thus, you will be able to fully enjoy your holidays under the best possible conditions.

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